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These Vulva Landscape Sculptures are made to depict an aerial view of a lake in the middle of a forest. With the aerial view, I am able to push the message to look at things from a broader perspective which allows the viewer to see things more clearly. 

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The Mind's Eye (Astral Orgasm), 2022


Mixed Media: Lichen, Spray Foam, Oil Paint, Blue Preserved Roses

The Mind's Eye was created to mimic a bird's eye view of a lake in the middle of a forest. It is an ode to a world traveled during a meditative state which provided answers to the meaning of life.


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Breaking Roots, 2022


Mixed Media: Lichen, Spray Foam, Jordan Air Force 1, Gucci Boot, Hand picked cotton, g-string, red marbles, 3D printed heart, recycled textile


Breaking Roots was created to explore the roots of my own heartbreak and the heartbreak in my culture.


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Our Lady, Unveiled, 2022


Mixed Media: Lichen, Spray Foam, Acrylic Paint, Recycled Dolls Dress, Blue Preserved Roses, White Preserved Roses, Glass, Blue Carpenter Bee Taxidermy

Our Lady, Unveiled was created as an ode to the story about Our Lady of Guadalupe/the Virgin Mary in the Catholic Religion.


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